Thursday, August 30, 2007

Newfoundland Trip: Day 4 (Trina's Wedding)

As this post's title implies, the big highlight of Day 4, Saturday, was Trina's wedding. Marilu was out of the hotel room early since she was one of Trina's bridesmaids and had to go get dolled up as female wedding party members are wont to do. She returned sometime later, and here's a picture of Makeup Mom with Passing-Out Baby.

I had hoped to spend the morning walking around St. John's with Lucas to check out the city, but fate would not allow it, dumping a boatload of rain on the surrounding area. So I hung out in the hotel room until early afternoon and then headed up to the church with Marilu's mom and Lucas. Here's a picture of the distinguished gentleman in his finest fashions.

After the wedding, we took a family shot that turned out to be one of the best pictures of the trip. Marilu even had this one turned into a 5 x 7 so I expect to see it on some shelf or nook within the next few weeks.

Later that evening, the reception ensued, and much fun was had by all. I already mentioned that the Newfies throw a crazy wedding, and this picture with bride Trina and bridesmaid Jaime pretty much sums up the night.

Plenty more Lucas-filled pre-wedding pictures and Lucas-less reception pictures in the photo albums so check 'em out.

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