Monday, August 27, 2007

Newfoundland Trip: Day 2

In addition to being Day 2 of the trip to Newfoundland, August 16 also marked Lucas hitting two months old. So congrats, little guy, on making it this far despite all of the horrible dangers today's media would have you believe are out there. If it's on TV, it must be true, no?

This was Day 2 in a nutshell:
  • Wedding rehearsal at St. John's Basilica in, where else, St. John's
  • Visiting Mt. Pearl where we met up with Marilu's Aunt Gail and cousins Melanie and TP (it just occurred to me I have no idea what TP stands for...I'm sure Tanya will chime in with the answer)
  • Attending Trina's rehearsal party in Kilbride
  • Returning to St. John's to crash at Melanie's fancy-schmancy condo, only a couple of blocks from George Street, apparently the center of all that is alcoholic in town (i.e., their bar district)
Wow, when you look back it, we really got around that Thursday. My boneheaded thought of the day: I saw a picture somewhere that listed all the churches in St. John's. I thought, for a fleeting second, what's with all the churches named after St. John? D'oh!

Ok, you didn't come here for the jibber-jabber, you came for the pictures so here we go. I think Lucas is trying to say something in this picture with Nan, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what.

Lucas and one of Nan's many brothers and sisters, great aunt Mair. For those of you unfamiliar with Marilu's family, her dad is one of 10 siblings (note: Marilu corrected me after reading's only 8 siblings, how silly of me); her mom, 15!!! My parents had a grand total of 3 siblings combined. The Polish apparently have nothing on the Irish.

This picture is just too darned cute, and that's all I have to say about that.

Lucas and his great aunt Madonna. This was the last picture taken before heading out from Holyrood.

Lucas's first (sort of) hockey-related photo! Ok, so it's just a stylized picture of Don Cherry on a menu at the restaurant bearing his name, but it's something. Now let's just hope Lucas doesn't follow Cherry's lead and become a homer for the Leafs.

Oddly enough, this isn't the first picture of Lucas posing with a Guinness. If I was a betting man, I'd say it wasn't going to be the last either.

Lucas, if and when you read this years from now, I hope you appreciate the sheer number of hot girls that posed with you as a baby. In this case, it's Marilu's long-time friend Jaime, photographed at that night's rehearsal party at Trina and Hunter's new house.

And we wrap up the day's events with a shot of three rugrats in a row. For once, Lucas doesn't steal the show since I can't stop laughing at the kid in the middle's eyes. That said, you gotta love the little baseball outfit Lucas is sporting.

Same time tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TP has the same name as my dad... Terrence Patrick and was given the nickname when he was just a baby :)