Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pblpblbplbplbplbpblb (I think that's how it sounds)

June 12 brings us to one of the more amusing videos of Lucas lately. He'd recently learned how to make the raspberry sound (ie, blowing while his tongue is out, for those of you unfamiliar with the term), and in the video below, you see him going to town with it. Funny stuff.

Lucas has also taken an interest in trying to tear the vent from the wall after successfully doing it once. I've put it back up, but the wall is pretty much eaten up underneath the vent so it's on there pretty loosely. In this photo, Marilu does her best to keep Lucas from getting to it. No doubt, being a woman, she'll give me some grief about showing her butt in a picture. :)

Cruise update: I'm working from memory here, but I'm pretty sure today is a full day in St Thomas. We get in early and don't leave until evening so it should be a fun day of exploring the town. And probably drinking and sunbathing as well.

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