Monday, October 1, 2007

Woe is him

Lucas didn't have the greatest of afternoons today since his mother decided to lock the keys in the car. Thankfully, they were at her friend's place so it wasn't luck they were stuck in a mall parking lot or anything, but I gather when Lucas wants to sleep, he wants to sleep at home, darn it! It took a while for me to get them since I was in a training session and didn't have my phone on me. Not that I ever use my cell phone anyway, but that's neither here nor there. In the end, it all turned out fine and Lucas is now sleeping blissfully away, probably having forgotten the troubles of the day past already.

Since it's been several days since his last "photo shoot," I present you a selection of the best from about last Thursday until today.

Oddly enough, he doesn't like lying in the laundry basket. Who'da thunk?

"If it exists, it must belong in my mouth."

That's just hunger right there...

Whenever his fingernails get long, Lucas has a tendency to scratch himself. Note his cheek in this picture. It doesn't seem to bother him, so as they say, it must be building character.

"If I try real hard, maybe I can get the whole thing in my mouth." By the way, the little lion he's holding looks like it's the frontrunner for his first favorite toy. He's probably not sure what it even is yet, but the "hands" and "feet" are made to be chewed on, and anything that can be chewed is fine by Lucas. I've named it Louie the Lion, but naming rights are still up for auction.

Ha, I just saw this next one for the first time since Marilu must have taken it while I was at work. I'm not exactly sure what he's got on his head, but it's amusing to me.

Here Lucas is, working hard at Marilu's computer downstairs.

Same series as the last one, but this is just plain adorable.

Finally, from today, some more from the boxer/rapper series. He looks somewhat surprised here.

Last, but certainly not least, a full shot of the outfit. It was too cute not to take pictures. Unfortunately, we couldn't get one of him staying still while the jacket was closed. It says "Huggable" across the front.

Wow, just looked at the photo name, and the above is the 1500th photo I've taken on that camera. We bought that just before Lucas was born. Granted, not all of them are of him, but the majority are. That is one well-photographed kid!

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