It's still too early to say what we're going to do next year for our Halloween party. In a perfect world, we would find a way to hold both types of parties since this one will be even more fun for the kids when they are a little older. However, I also love the "adult" parties since they definitely have had their moments (you can never have too much drunken debauchery...or beer pong).
So without any further adieu, on to some pictures. I took over 60 yesterday so be sure to check out the photo album for more.
I get a kick out of carving pumkins, and after 4 years of doing it, I'm becoming a regular pro at it. I carved 3 pumpkins for this year's party, with the following being my favorite.
Some of the decorating around the house...
Marilu the witch and Lucas the cutest football ever.
Even if few other guys wanted to dress up, I'm always up for a costume. Originally, for the adult party, I was going to dress as Michael Vick and Marilu was going to dress up as a beaten-up dog. We figured that probably wasn't all that appropriate for a kid's party, thus I became the goofy jester. Man, was I ever jingly yesterday, much to most of the kids' delight. (and to clarify, I'm not giving the camera the finger here...I was trying to point)
Pre-party, Lucas was trying out mommy's costume.
Sheridan, with the newest baby to join the group, Genevieve. Look closely and see if you can figure out her costume. (A hint: she's wearing a robe and a shower cap.) The answer follows the picture.
She's a baby shower!
This next one has got to be the best expression of the day. Brandon is not amsused.
Someone had the great idea of getting all the kids in one picture. Obviously, there was no way I was going to get one where they were all looking at the camera, but of the two shots I took, this was the better one.
Since this IS a Lucas blog, let's get a closer shot of the little football man. Five bucks says that in 15 years he's going to have a crush on Francesca, the girl to the right of him who also happens to be the oldest girl in Marilu's circle of friends. Oh, the power she will wield over that mostly boy gang.
The only family shot we remembered to take.
Our neighbors, Todd and Val, with their little one, Tyler. He's a couple of months behind Lucas so if we both stay in the neighborhood, he and Lucas ought to get to know each other well.
Lucas, Brody, and Thierry (in the cow outfit) hanging out by the playmat, presumably talking about the game last night or something.
Alessia (spelling?) having a crazy hair day with her mom, Luciana.
I had two pictures of Wes at the party. One is a really good shot of him and Lucas. The other is him flipping off the camera. As you can imagine, it wasn't hard to choose which one I wanted to use here.
This is probably the clearest shot of Lucas in his football costume. He's apparently trying to eat his way out of it. Once again, a HUGE thanks to Auntie Tanya for making his costume. It was fantastic!
And I think that is about it. Like I said way back at the top of the post, there are plenty of other pictures from the party, so to see them just click here to view the photo album. Hope you enjoyed the view!
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