Monday, October 22, 2007

Baby pumpkin

Earlier tonight, we headed over to a nearby farm to pick up pumpkins for Halloween. We also found it to be a perfect photo op to get some Halloween-themed pictures of Lucas. It turned out very well as we got 2 nice pumpkins and several great shots of Lucas. In fact, I would go so far as to say I was able to get my best picture of Lucas yet, including the 1000+ photos I have of him so far. You can judge for yourself below.

Auntie Tanya bought Lucas a really cute Halloween outfit a little while back and tonight seemed like the ideal time to break it out. Lucas looks none too pleased with the modeling session.

Here's the picture I mentioned above. I'm honestly thinking about submitting it somewhere. I have no idea where, but it just seems like such a perfect picture for Halloween and happy kids.

This one isn't quite as good as the last one, but I still think it's in the top 20 of pics I've taken.

Here's one from the top of the pile. Man, was he ever a good kid tonight. I guess he was earning brownie points in advance for the hour plus that he spent screaming after being put to bed tonight. :)

And finally, a video from the pumpkin patch for your viewing pleasure. I've decided to go back to YouTube videos for now since they are a little larger than the Blogger video. You may notice a couple of little coughs in the video. He's just about over his cold, but those are a reminder that it's not completely gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so good that I had to change my background. Great job!