Saturday, July 14, 2007

Almost a month old

Wow, the little bugger is 4 weeks old today. It's weird since it feels like a long time and a short time, both at the same time. He's definitely come a long way as he's a lot more active and seems to be aware of quite a bit in his environment. That said, he's still quite happy to just sit there like a lump on a log.

The other thing that is changing as he gets older is that he cries for different reasons now. A couple of weeks ago, he'd cry for one of 2-3 things: he was hungry or he filled his diaper. Now he's starting to cry for either more subtle things (attention?) or for no reason at all. As a result, I can't always figure out exactly how to quiet him down. He usually doesn't cry for too long regardless so even when he does have some issue that we can't figure out, he'll eventually cover it himself. Babies...go figure.

A couple of pictures now for your perusal. This one is from a couple of days ago, and it's Lucas with his maternal grandmother and her sisters (so does that make them grand aunts or great aunts? I can never remember):

I'm sorry, but I just can't get enough of sunglass pictures:

And finally, a rare, full-length shot of our little mutant (or mommy's prince, if you'd believe the shirt):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We think it's "great" aunts, at least that's what we call it. I can't get enough of the sunglasses either. He's s-o-o-o cute!

And a little prince he is!

grammy and grampy