We head out midday tomorrow, and we'll be back early evening on New Year's Eve. Even though we'll probably be taking a bunch of pictures while we are down there, my mom's computer doesn't have the software I need to upload photos. As a result, Let's Make a Deal will be on break until Monday night/Tuesday morning.
Since I'm always one to cater to my reader, I leave you with a few more pictures before I make my departure. The first is a shot of the three babies (Lucas, Thierry, Logan) and their respective moms (Marilu, Tracey, Sheri) from the party on Christmas Eve. It was next to impossible to get all 6 people looking the correct way at the right time so Logan took the hit as the most devilish-looking in this shot.
This next picture of Lucas and I is very misleading. While at first glance, it appears he is overjoyed to be getting a kiss from daddy, in reality he is still screaming over the fact that we were trying to put a santa-type hat on his head when he is REALLY tired. However, it came out looking good so try and pretend it's the first scenario.
Here's a picture of our Christmas tree and the living room pre-gift unwrapping.
I love this next photo. It's just a really nice shot of Lucas with one of his presents (the one he tries to open with his mouth in the second video in the last entry, for what it's worth). If I was any better at taking photographs, I bet Lucas could win some competitions. So freakin' cute!
What would Christmas be without family photos? Since we haven't bothered figuring out the timer on our camera, there's one of Lucas with each of us. Though to be fair, it's not like he would look at the camera even if we did use the timer.
If you click on that second picture, you'll see Lucas's gift to me. Marilu made a coffee/tea mug that has an actual print of Lucas's handprint and footprint on it. Very nice. When I get back from Massachusetts, I'll take a couple photos of the coupons Lucas "made" for Mommy. I got a couple of tears out of Marilu when I gave them to her so I always count that as a good thing. :)
Finally, from earlier today, here's a picture of Lucas with his hair brushed forward. Doesn't he look a lot different?
Ok, that's all I have for now. Once again, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year to all of you who I don't talk to before then!
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