Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Catching up

Since I'm going to be in North Bay, Ontario (aka WHERE?) until Friday afternoon, I've decided to put up a bunch of pics of the little man from the day after he got back from Newfoundland up to the present (or at least up to yesterday, when I last took a picture of him). Enjoy!

Mom and Lucas from Aug 29. I should point out that we figured out how to use the redeye correction with our camera so there should be a lot less of that in future photos. Sometimes it looks creepy so I don't use it, but 80% of the time it does a good job.

More mom and baby from the 30th.

"Dad, do you have to take pictures of EVERYTHING?" (To be fair, I did crop off a little bit of this photo at the bottom to save him even more future embarrassment from girls who don't understand shrinkage.)

Finally, one with me and my boy!

Reunited with Brody and Kayden. They were last seen together a while back here.

This shot of Lucas isn't that great, but I love Brody's pose on the left. "To BE or not to BE!"

Up close with Lucas (9/3/07)

On 9/4, Lucas was in a grumpy mood so I put him on his belly on our bed, figuring the change of position my help. As you can see, he was NOT happy with the situation.

Checking things out on his playmat (9/8)

Ok, that about catches us up with all the highlights. For the rest of the pictures from those days, head on over to the photo albums. See y'all again on Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh he is just so darn cute!(Almost as cute as Carter, LOL!)