Friday, April 8, 2016

2016 Massachusetts Trip #2, Part 2

While going through my photos, I realized I'd missed a folder of photos that I downloaded from my mom's iPhone from both trips. Almost all of the photo subjects from our first trip were covered by photos I've already posted, but I liked this one so here it is for your viewing pleasure. Just a nice shot of Lucas with Grammy and Grampy Kevin.

In keeping with the posing theme, here's Lucas with Jared and my dad.

Let's close out the poses with one of the family.

Looking at that photo, I figured now would be a good time to show how much weight we've lost since last summer. This next photo was taken last month during our trip to Washington DC. Quite a difference, eh? Trust me, it was a LOT of work.

In hockey news, Lucas has his semifinal game at 9 AM tomorrow morning. In the regular season, they easily beat tomorrow's opponent 4-1. However, if the playoffs have proven anything, it's that the regular season means nothing as the team that went 13-1 didn't make it out of the round robin so they'll still need to play hard. I'll be sure to update as soon as we get home to let you know how it went.

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