Saturday, January 26, 2008

More catching up

I didn't post anything this week since we really haven't taken many pictures lately. It's the middle of winter so we're not out that often, and there's not much going on lately, like parties or other events, so not a whole lot of Kodak moments present themselves.

However, as I was uploading some pictures Marilu took today, I realized I forgot to upload some other ones going back as far as the 9th. So without any further adieu, here are some of the highlights. For the rest of them, check out the January 2008 folder in the photo albums.

We've already established that Lucas likes to put things in his mouth. In this case, it doesn't matter if that thing happens to be attached to his friend Thierry's shirt.

Watch for more updates to this post later today. Right now, I have to run to the gym!


Ok, I'm finally back at 10:36 at night after going to the gym, running errands with Marilu (and Lucas, obviously), eating dinner, watching TV with the family, and finally playing a couple of boardgames with Marilu. It's been a busy day when you also throw in Lucas's swim lesson this morning. All that said, let's get back to the pictures!

Part 1 of "Lucas's Adventures in Eating" focuses on his attempt to eat something yellow, I think maybe squash. He didn't mind it eating it, but as you can see, he didn't mind wearing it either.

Whoops, I was just reviewing my older posts, and I realize I've already posted the picture above once. Oh well, you can never have too much cuteness.

To make up for my mistake, our next entry is a video! Lucas was nice enough to pose for Marilu as he sat on the chair. About halfway through the video, you may be able to hear him make a sound as if he is blowing air through clenched lips/teeth. That's a sound that he just started making around that time (Jan 11), and in the video, it's just kind of a random thing. Jump to this week, and that's now his "I'm not very pleased with the situation and I'd like you to know it" sound. Yes, before he reaches the crying and screaming stage, that's the sound he makes to alert us to his negative opinion of the current situation. It's become quite frequent lately.

This photo just makes me laugh.

We're kind of on a regular evening schedule nowadays. We usually make Lucas's dinner around 5 and wrap that up by a quarter after. We then head downstairs to the basement to eat our dinner, at which point we put Lucas in his jumperoo while we watch TV. As you can see here, he definitely likes his jump time.

This next picture is from a series of very cute pictures. I would strongly suggest checking them out in the photo album (January 2008 folder). However, I selected this picture in particular since we just happened to catch Lucas in a moment of pure, unadulterated evil. Oh, I'm sure he's sweet and all on the inside, but the first time I saw this photo, the first thing that ran through my mind was the Emperor from Star Wars saying, "Rise, Lord Vader."

Last Sunday, Lucas had broccoli for the first time. Well, mushy broccoli mixed with sweet potatoes, but it was broccoli nonetheless. To put it bluntly, he hated it. He gagged on the first spoonful of it, and it never got any better. We tried giving it to him a couple more times during the week, since in the past he's warmed up to foods on the 2nd or 3rd try, but no dice with broccoli. As a result, we've decided to hold off on giving him any more broccoli in the near future.

However, one good thing that came from the broccoli feeding is one of the funniest (from my perspective) pictures I've taken in a while. This is post-feeding, which was a messy affair in its own right. The thing that makes me laugh out loud when viewing this is the look of pure misery on Lucas's face. You can almost hear him say, "Why would you DO this to me?" Ah, priceless.

Later that same day, Lucas's friend Brody came over with Kelly and Wes (to watch the AFC Championship Game...go Patriots!). I'm not sure what's more amusing in this picture: Brody's look of sheer joy at being photographed or Marilu's maniacal face as she holds up Lucas. Either way, another fun photo.

And that catches us up to last Sunday. No pictures were taken this past week so the latest ones we have are from earlier today. I plan to put highlights of those up tomorrow (or maybe today, depending on when you are reading this), along with another video or two from the last couple of weeks. See ya then!

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