Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Building Character

Ooh, Marilu must love me now. When we put Lucas to bed, typically the process is that she changes him while I get his crib ready. Then she hands him off to me, and I put on his sleepers while she sits down and prepares to feed him. After that, I typically head downstairs while she feeds him and then reads to him. Presumably, I'll do more of the latter once he is past the breastfeeding stage.

Tonight, after I put Lucas in his pajamas, I was standing him up and letting him lean against the side of the crib (which I'd raised to its highest level). Somehow or another, he slipped and he bopped his head against the headboard. It wasn't terribly hard, and he's fine, but to hear him scream, you'd think we'd cut off a foot. Anyway, I did my best to calm him down, which worked to a degree, and then handed him off to Marilu and escaped any more crying. So yeah, I'm probably not on her favorites list at the moment. :)

Before we get to the rest of the vacation pictures (and let me tell ya, some of them are great), I have to show you a video I took of Lucas yesterday while he ate green beans for the first time. And by green beans, I mean a mashed up, liquidy form of the vegetable. He ate them all, but as you'll see in the video, they probably aren't going to rate as one of his favorite foods. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

We just watched the video. It's a good one. His reaction to those green beans is priceless. we'll never think of that vegetable in the same light, especially after your description, Justin and Lucas' response to being fed those things.

JP said...

Both Carson and Connor seemed to like green beans. Carson more than Connor. Carson did not like peas at all. He would not eat them. Connor makes some funny faces at some of the tart fruit but he eats just about everything.