Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Scenes from Christmas Eve Day

I'm going to have to make this super quick since we are almost literally on our way out the door for our annual Christmas Eve visit to see our friends Tracey and Andre. I just wanted to post a few pictures from earlier today.

This morning, Lucas and Marilu made cookies together, and this was the uniform apparently.

Later on, they visited a community rink and played some pickup hockey with Lucas's friend Liam and his dad. Try to ignore my finger in the 3rd and 4th picture. It was -25 C, and I was probably too numb to notice where it was.

These aren't from Christmas Eve, but they were taken this week so they're close enough. In the first, you can get an idea of just how much snow we've had so far this year. The second was just Lucas being goofy.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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