Saturday, December 7, 2013

Random Photos from June 2013

Today's our Christmas preparation day. Marilu and my mom are setting up the tree as I type this, and we'll be decorating it shortly. After that, we'll be bringing Lucas to see Santa at the nearby mall, and time permitting, we may and go see the movie Frozen.

Play cap guns with the neighbor's kids while wearing nothing but boxer shorts and sandals? Sure, why not?

Getting the world's best birthday present for a 6 year old, courtesy of Marilu's family. I think I got a Tonka truck or maybe a Slip n' Slide for my 6th birthday.

Getting another of his presents ready. Unfortunately, our backyard isn't very level so the pool probably won't make a return appearance next year.

Asleep on the way home from somewhere. Note that his iPad is close at hand.

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