Thursday, November 26, 2009


Since I'm heading out of town for the next few days--20th high school reunion in Massachusetts on Friday--I wanted to post a few more pictures before I depart. This post started off with the intention of posting random photos, and then I realized 4 of the 5 pictures I picked included Baby, Lucas's all-time favorite stuffed companion. He's not quite as dependent on Baby as he once was, but he still sleeps with him every night. Earlier this year though, god help us if we forgot to bring Baby to daycare with him. (Note to Dad: this is the stuffed animal you bought him that we've been telling you about for months!)

If I recall correctly, Lucas wouldn't sit at the dinner table until we made room for Baby.

I'm not exactly sure what prompted this face, but in a video from the same timeframe, I was trying to get Lucas to howl so it's possible this is one of the contortions his face goes through when he does try and howl at the moon.

In this one, I had injured my eye somehow (damned if I can remember) and was holding a wet cloth on it on the couch while Lucas, blissfully ignorant of my pain, made tissue blankets for Baby.

And finally, a couple of pictures from the living room floor, where Lucas made a place for him and Baby to rest.

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