Monday, November 23, 2009

An eventful morning

This was an interesting morning. Around 4:30, we brought Lucas into our bed since he was crying for Marilu, and that was the only easy way to get him back to sleep, which he did, almost immediately after coming in there. Marilu then left for work somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00, leaving Lucas in bed next to me. Here's where it gets fun.

Every other time Lucas has been in bed with me, once he is ready to get up, he starts poking me or making noise until I wake up. Very annoying, but effective. However, this morning, he either didn't bother to wake me, or I was sleeping so heavily, I didn't notice him. I'm not really sure. All I know is that I woke up quite a while later, faintly hearing Lucas calling "Daddy! Daddy!" over and over again from afar.

Since I had slept through everything earlier, I just kind of assumed Marilu had put him back in his crib. I crawled out of bed and noticed it was 8:15, over an hour after we usually get up on weekdays. So I rushed to his room, afraid he might have overfilled his diaper, only to find out he wasn't in there. I had a flash of panic and then remembered that as I was running to his room, I noticed the bathroom door was closed but the light was on.

I threw open the door, and I found him standing in the middle of the bathroom holding a bottle of children's Tylenol (with child safety cap still securely fastened) in one hand and the dispenser cup for it in the other hand. Luckily, he hadn't tried to go under the sink since it wasn't locked, though his potty was in front of it and that can be hard to move from his level. I guess he was yelling since he had closed the door and couldn't get it back open. Suffice to say I was a little unnerved by the whole thing, thinking of what could have gone wrong, but after determining everything was okay, my heart stopped racing.

The moral of the story is that a little more child-proofing may be necessary before we get him his own bed since god only knows what he will get up to on his own.


Mom said...

Oh my, thankfully you had a wake up call. Next time you and Lucas are sleeping in the same room, make sure the door is closed and he's stuck with you and can only wander within the confines of that room.

Love you and am glad that story turned out as it did.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! My heart raced for you. Glad all was okay. They do that do us don't they. LOTS!