Thursday, May 15, 2008

Video success!

I tested out the video editor earlier and it converted a 106 MB AVI video to a 9 MB WMV video. The quality difference is nearly imperceptible, especially for the types of video I'm taking so hopefully this will resolve any video issues in the future. It also means I can take longer videos so that's cool.

Below is the video I converted. I referenced it the other day as being a good video since it had Lucas both moving around a bit and "talking." I've noticed in YouTube there are some small black bars on the left and right side of the video, but I think that's because the aspect ratio of the video changed slightly during the conversion. Other than that, it's as good as the original and only a tenth of the size. Enjoy!

EDIT: After posting this, I realized embedded videos get trimmed a bit automatically so the black bars I referenced shouldn't be an issue at all on this blog.


JP said...

So what program did you get?

Anonymous said...

