Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Onward, we March (excuse the pun)

Going back to the beginning of March (the 1st, actually), here are some pictures of our trip to the Children's Museum at the Museum of Civilization across the river in Gatineau, Quebec. If I remember correctly, it was me, Lucas, and my mom.

As safe as we all know Indian buses are, with that kind of expression on the driver's face, I don't think I'd get on that one.

Riding the fake camel with a random French-Canadian kid thrown in for effect.

This was hilarious. There's a replica of a cargo ship in the museum and kids can use a control panel to raise and lower a hook to pick up "cargo" and then move it onto the ship. A whole bunch of kids were fighting over who was going to control the crane while Lucas ignored them and just started loading and unloading the cargo. We're so proud of our future manual laborer. He also had a yellow construction hat to go with his gloves and safety vest but that disappeared at some point.

As we were leaving, we stopped into the little theater and Lucas got dressed up backstage...

...for his starring performance. I get the impression he's not drawn to the theater. Oh well, there's always working the Newfie shipyards.

Believe it or not, the next post will be the 500th one for Lucas's blog. Not too bad as we approach his third birthday in just 8 days. Thank god I posted so often during year 1 since it makes my average posts per month look a lot better than my current anemic production. That said, you should get a kick out of post 500. I already know what pictures I am going to use so expect that sometime tomorrow.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Good stuff! I love the expression on Lucas's face when driving that bus. Do you have the video of Lucas working the freight? Also, picture #1 as a little thespian is really precious. "Our little tree"
