Thursday, January 28, 2010

Minor health scare

Note: This story ends well so don't get too worried as you read it.

Monday afternoon, I picked Lucas up from daycare, and even though it was icy out, he refused to hold my hand. At the bottom of the stairs, I was trying to reach over and grab the back of his hood to help balance him when he hit a piece of ice fell back hard, slamming the back of his head into the edge of one of the stone stairs. He had his hood up, so there was a little bit of cushion back there, but he started crying real loud, real quick.

He ended up getting a massive bump on the back of his head, big enough that I called Marilu and urged her to get home from shopping asap so she could check it out. After that accident with Natasha Richardson last year, the media got me worried about head injuries. He didn't seem to have any concussion symptoms so we kind of forgot about it by the next day.

However, Tuesday night--a day and a half later--he ended up throwing up several times during the night, and that got us worried all over again, since vomiting is a concussion symptom apparently. I take Marilu's word for it since I've had none, and she has had, like, 3 or something. The thing is, Lucas has had a hacking chest cough from a virus going around his daycare, and the rest of the kids had all throw up from theirs. So we figured it was that, but we brought him to the doctor on Wednesday morning anyway. Better safe than sorry.

Short story long...he's fine. The vomiting was likely due to whatever virus he had in his symptom. At the very least, it has nothing to do with the fall so all is okay with the world again. I suppose I could have summed all that up in 2-3 sentences, but I'm all about the details, baby.

As a reward, the promised harmonica videos. Enjoy!

1 comment:

mom said...

Kind of puts it in perspective when you think your baby is hurt, doesn't it? All the little annoyances and aggravations disappear. Thankfully the harmonica player is fine and will go on. Can't wait to see him in a few weeks.