Wednesday, October 15, 2008

September in review, Part 3 (last part!)

After this weekend, I'll be gone for most of the rest of the month as I have 2 business trips coming up: this Saturday until Tuesday in Atlanta, and then the entire following week in the London, UK, area. As a result, I need to get my butt in gear on catching up. Like the cruise, I may create a few entries that post while I am gone.

Despite what you may have heard, babies are not immune to looking pretty rough upon first waking up.

The next three pictures are from a series Marilu took of Lucas and I on the couch. I think the first one came out well, and the second two are just me and the boy being silly with one another.

If there's one thing Lucas excels at (besides crapping and eating), it's climbing. He climbs on freakin' everything. Here's an example of one of his less daring climbs, on the top of the laundry basket. I should note that I have no idea how he ended up with a soother since we only give it to him when he goes to bed.

Toward the end of September, we bought a new vacuum at Costco to replace my old one. I think I had that one since my college days (1993-1998) so it was about due to be scrapped. Anyway, the most interesting thing to Lucas was, of course, the box. Though to be fair, he was pushing the vacuum around earlier tonight.

Thought this one was cute and that was good enough for me to include.

And we wrap up September with this photo I call, "Caught!" Not sure if he was up to anything nefarious, but he sure has that "hand in the cookie jar" look. Once again, no idea where the soother is coming from since they are usually kept in his room upstairs.

Wacky fun fact for all the American readers. Today was an election in Canada comparable to the upcoming one in November. Didn't realize it? Well, don't feel bad. There's actually been more coverage of the US election up here than the Canadian one. What a crazy place. :)

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