Monday, September 8, 2008

Goblin in the cabinet

Lucas has always liked climbing into things, from boxes to drawers to the subject of the following video, cabinets. However, lately he's been trying to hide as well. In particular, he likes to walk into the bathroom when the light is off, close the door, and stand there in the dark. Odd child.

Yesterday, Marilu took an amusing video of Lucas sitting in a cabinet playing peek-a-boo with the door. I think the cutest part is when you can see his tiny fingers sticking out.


Anonymous said...

So adorable!This video made me nostalgic - which is ridiculous since Carter is only 1 year older. Enjoy this is amazing how quickly they change and you just one day realize how they are growing up. It wasn't long ago that Carter was doing the same thing. He still does cute stuff but it seems so less baby.


Anonymous said...

Grampy was having a horrible day today, and this little video brought the only smile to his face that we saw all day. Thank-you for being such a cutie Lucas. You make us all smile and marvel anew each day at your precious innocence.

Thanks mom and dad for keeping the bligspot and pictures coming.

Anonymous said...

Oops it's blogspot, not bligspot. Pardon our spelling.