Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Victoria Day Weekend

Lucas's baseball team had another big win tonight, and Lucas had his best batting performance to date. In his first at-bat, he got 4 balls, which usually means a walk at the pro level, but in their league, after 4 balls, they hit off a tee.

Lucas has hit off the tee at least once before, and it was a relatively soft hit into the infield, which I think got him a single. I was expecting more of the same tonight when--CRACK!--he knocked it well into the outfield. The end result was his first double. Woohoo!

His second at-bat wasn't quite as impressive, but he popped up and it dropped between the pitcher and catcher. At first, I thought it was a foul ball, as did all the kids, but then the coaches started screaming at him to run (and the opposing coaches shouting for their kids to throw the ball to first). Lucas was able to outrun the throw and got his second hit of the game, a single.

So 2-for-2 on the night. Not a bad showing!

Last weekend (May 21-23) was Victoria Day weekend in Canada, and we kept pretty busy. On Sunday, we were invited to go fishing with some friends on their boat. It was a really fun time, made all the better that we had some success. I caught a crappie (worst name ever for something you can eat) and a sunfish while Lucas caught a bass. Ed, the owner of the boat, caught a pike, which was cool since I'd never seen one in the wild (i.e., outside of an aquarium). The bass was out of season so Lucas had to throw it back in--or rather I did, since he wouldn't touch it--and we didn't keep the sunfish, but Ed kept the crappie and pike for eating. Here's a few pictures from that experience.

In addition to that, on Sunday, we went downtown for the annual Tulip Festival. Here's a few pictures from that.

While going through my pictures last night, I realized I need to finish posting the vacation ones from last year since we're closing in on the one year mark. I have been updating with other stuff so not everything is behind, but the vacation-related stuff is just woeful. So I'll get on that posthaste!

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Wow! That was a really newsy post. The pictures were great and your commentary very descriptive...we could picture Lucas at the plate. As always, thanks for keeping up with posting current events as well as past.