Friday, September 27, 2013

Woe is Me

Remember this? I'll forgive you if you don't. To summarize, back in July 2008, I was playing with Lucas while on my knees, and thinking I was younger than I actually am, I tried to jump from that kneeling position to a standing one. Well, instead of that happening, my big toe on my right foot got caught under my full body weight and bent forward, causing a ridiculous amount of pain. I thought it would go away, and after my first visit to the doctor (probably around 2009), I was told it was likely something to do with my ligaments or tendons and that it would eventually heal. In early 2012, I realized the pain was probably never going to go away so I returned to the doctor, who sent me for X-rays and then to a specialist. I was on a waiting list for the better part of a year, but this summer, I finally got to see the guy, and it turns out I fractured it pretty badly way back when.

So tomorrow morning, after over 5 years of not being able to bend my big toe forward without excruciating pain, I'll be having surgery to clean it up. I use those words since the foot specialist said he wouldn't be able to fix it due to the fact that it's been so long since it happened, but he says there is an 80% chance it will relieve some of the pain. Can't argue with those odds. Hell, even if it was much less than that, I would do it since I've honestly given thought to just having my toe removed altogether. At least this will be less drastic. So yeah, that's what's going on with me today.

In other me-related news, I was so focused on studying for my accounting mid-term today (which is next Saturday), that I completely forgot to submit the bi-weekly quiz, which was due at midnight. What's ridiculous about it is that I finished it last night--it's open book so we have the questions beforehand--but it just slipped my mind. I'm pretty sure I had a 100% too. Messed up toe and I'm senile...what a life.

Here's a random picture of Lucas from January, wearing Marilu's pajama bottoms, to keep you happy.

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