Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've been home the last two days with a sick kid. On Sunday night, Lucas came down with a fever that flirted with 104 F at times. Children's Advil helped bring it back down, as per usual, but we kept him home on Monday, and Marilu had me make an appointment to see the doctor. Normally, we'd let it play out, but with our upcoming cruise, we wanted to make sure that it got resolved in case it wasn't something that needed a prescription (such as an ear infection).

Our doctor didn't seem to concerned about it, but she had us bring Lucas to the children's hospital for a chest X-ray since he had a pretty nasty cough. Fortunately, no issues were found.

His cold is hanging on, and he stayed home from school again today. As of this evening, he's still got the fever in addition to the cold so there's a good chance I'll be hanging out at home with him tomorrow. It's times like this it's good to have a job in a real estate since even with a new listing on the other side of town, I'm able to do just about everything from my laptop.

For today's post, we once again return to August. I know I uploaded a lot of pictures from our Massachusetts trip late last year, but I ran across a folder that contained pictures from my mom's camera from that trip, and I wanted to show you the highlights. No comments this time around, just pictures. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Tracey said...

That picture of Marilu tied up is begging for a caption. Or something. Love it.