Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Winterlude 2012

My mom was in town for the weekend so we decided to keep Lucas home from school on Monday so they could get some quality time in before she left (or leaves, at the time of this writing) on Tuesday morning. As many times as my mom has visited us in February, she's never made it down to Winterlude (see here if you have no idea what that is). Well, we decided to rectify that situation on Monday when Lucas, my mom, and me headed downtown in the afternoon. We had originally planned to go on Saturday, but the temperature was roughly the same as on the ice planet Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back so we postponed the trip.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that we went downtown and took some pictures. Here they are.

I'm pretty sure that if I went back and looked at my picture collection, I'd find I have pictures of me standing in front of ice sculptures from the last 5-6 Winterludes. Still, you gotta do it again each year. Sadly, the warm weather last week really took a toll on the sculptures this year.

Speaking of yearly pictures, I think I have a picture of me in front of the Winterlude logo ice wall from at least 3 different years. This year, we changed it up a bit and Lucas and my mom did the posing. One thing didn't change though. I still got nervous, thinking that massive wall could come tumbling over at any time.

Out on the canal. A nice older lady visiting from Nova Scotia offered to take a picture of the three of us.

I'm not exactly sure why someone decided to build "hockey trees," but they were kind of neat looking.

Next year, I hope to finally cross the river to Gatineau and see the Winterlude festivities over there. I really want to check out the ice slides. That sounds so cool! (pun not intended). Lucas ought to be old enough to appreciate them by then.

So that's that. Since my mom will likely be home in Massachusetts by the time she sees this, I just wanted to say thanks for coming. We were very happy to have you and will miss you. Can't wait to see you again!

1 comment:

Tracey said...

He's old enough to appreciate the ice slides now. We went last week - on that arctic day you speak of - and Thierry and Étienne loved the slides. Étienne was pretty ticked that we left early due to Thierry's frozen feet (his boots were wet). There is one set of wide slides you can all go down together. Étienne yelled "encore" after each one, even though he looked terrified on the way down. One tip - don't wear jeans. Snow pants or long butt-covering jacket required if you want to actually slide on the ice. Still one more weekend to check it out...