Wednesday, March 7, 2012

September in Pictures

Not much on the blogging front recently, I'm afraid. As mentioned in the last entry, Lucas was sick at the beginning of last week, and on Thursday, I contracted something myself. The very worst is past, but I'm still suffering: at the moment, it's a very sore throat that makes every swallow an exercise in pain, but each day, it seems the symptoms are unique.

On top of that, I'm leaving for Orlando this Thursday. For those of you unaware, we're going on a cruise out of Port Canaveral, FL, on Saturday afternoon for 7 days. Depending on what the wi-fi connection is like on the ship (i.e., how much it's gonna cost), I'll try and post some pictures from my iPhone. However, after Thursday, there won't be anything substantive until the following Sunday. Though with the pace of the last couple of weeks, that should feel about normal, right?

Anyway, here's some more pictures of our demon child, this time from the month of September.

"Enough with the camera, I'm TRYING to play here."

Sometimes the two of them can take such good photos.

Other times...not so much.

For some reason, Lucas got in his head to pull his old stroller out of the garage, put it on our front lawn, and then crawl in it and pretend to sleep. Who am I to argue?.

Striking a mean pose at basketball.

Another one of Lucas's crazy ideas. If you look closely, you'll see that in addition to the sunglasses and Thor's hammer, he taped up my face entirely.

Just doing some work.

I'll try to get one more post up tomorrow before I leave for Florida. Have a good one!

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