Monday, December 22, 2008

Video Marathon

Tomorrow, we're headed out for nearly a week to visit my dad in sunny Florida. It'll definitely be good to get out of here since on the days it's not snowing, it's bitterly cold. I won't miss it a bit, let me tell ya.

If I have time later, I'm going to do what I've done the last few times I've been away, and schedule posts to run while we're gone so you still get your Lucas fix. However, today I wanted to put up an early Christmas gift of sorts, 6 brand-new Lucas videos!

One thing to note regarding YouTube: recently they have added the ability to view new videos in high definition so if you click the "watch in high quality" link at the bottom right of each video, you should be able to see a much crisper picture when watching the videos. You'll have to go to the actual YouTube site though. I think you can do that once the video completes on this page.

As you can see in the first video, the digital camera is still one of the main focuses of Lucas's life. I think he wants that thing more than any toy he's ever seen. No babies were hurt during the making of this video, but one sure was annoyed.

In the second video, Lucas plays around with a couple of spoons I gave him (he did much more off-camera), wanders around, and poses for the camera.

Video 3 finds Lucas in the tub. He's recently discovered how to make splashes much bigger than the small ones he does with his hands.

This is a sequel of sorts to last week's video where Lucas was putting blocks in his pajamas. You'll me amazed at what goes in there this time.

This is a very cute one where Lucas does his impression of ol Saint Nick.

And finally, a fairly straighforward video of Lucas eating dessert, a chocolate pudding.

If I don't post again before then, Merry Christmas, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, the pizza in the jammies got me. The fact that you don't see it go in, just come out like a shady street merchant is priceless.