Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Creepy Crawlies

Yesterday morning, my mom and I brought Lucas to his weekly playgroup, and they had a guy from the local reptile farm do a presentation/show. It was a fun time, and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. Apparently it doesn't matter to Lucas if animals are cute and furry or slithering and scaly, he loves them all equally as you'll see in the pictures below.

The first animal shown was the last thing I'd ever want to see, a tarantula. For those of you who don't know, I HATE spiders. HATE them. I mean, really, really REALLY hate them. In fact, while I can kill them if I see them in the house, I'll be more than happy to let Marilu do it if she's nearby. That said, I figured we'd let Lucas touch the tarantula before he grew a few years, came to his senses, and realized how insane that is.

Next up is a video where he got to touch a lizard of some sort. I don't mind reptiles so he can play with those all he wants. Well, except poisonous ones or the types that eat you.

Sitting with Grammy and checking out a snake (I think it was a black racer.)

Yet another thing I wouldn't go near: a black Emperor scorpion. Oh, hell no.

Two-fisted petting of a caiman. Better get used to this type of reptile, Lucas, if you plan on visiting your Gramps in Florida very often.

This is probably my favorite picture from the show. Lucas is just plain enthralled with the tail of the reticulated python.

I also get a big kick out of this next video. Lucas had just finished touching the python and it slithered its way up the group of kids. All of a sudden, here comes Lucas, hauling ass across the floor after the giant snake. :)

And finally, this is what happens when someone takes the snake that could eat Lucas as an appetizer away from him. Don't worry, he got over it pretty quick.

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