Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We haven't taken any new pictures in the last couple of days so I'm putting up a video from this past Sunday. It was taken right around the same time Lucas and I were playing with the new toy ottoman. I figured it would be a good example of why I've taken to calling Lucas "Flapper" lately. The kid LOVES to flap his arms. He does it in the bath, he does it on the floor, he does it while being changed; you name it, he flaps.

In other news, Lucas pulled himself up to a sitting position for the first time today. Okay, I also said that last week, but Marilu clarified afterwards that she had given him a little assistance. I wasn't aware of that when I wrote the entry and then forgot to mention it. Well, today, he went from a crawling position to sitting three separate times with no help from either parent. Now he just needs to figure out how to propel himself forward. And letting out a huge fart for propulsion doesn't count!

Last and least, I'll be out of town two weeks from today. I have a work trip down to Alexandria, Virginia (basically the Washington DC area), for 4-5 days sometime during the week of March 10th. Just figured I'd warn you now in case you were hoping for hundreds of picture updates of Lucas each day that week.

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