Sunday, November 18, 2007

Do the "firsts" ever end?

Last night, Lucas entered the next stage in his gastronomical journey through life. In other words, he had his first solid foods. To be fair, I use "solid" in its loosest definition, as it was nothing more than a tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with 3-4 tablespoons of breast milk. As a result, it ended up looking more like milk than anything actually solid, but now we're just flirting with semantics. Whatever the case, for the first time, he was fed something other than breast milk and it was delivered to him via a spoon while he sat in his high chair. Any day now, and he'll be eating his first filet mignon.

Lucas took to the new way of eating pretty well. I've heard that it's almost impossible to get some babies to make the change from the breast/bottle to the spoon, but he was more than happy to slurp the "solid" right off the plastic utensil. I was never really worried since he has our genes, and neither Marilu nor I are shy when it comes to eating food. :)

What follows are a few pictures from the eating affair, wrapping up with a video of him chowing down. Or at least attempting to get the food in his mouth instead of on the front of his shirt.

"Ok, let's do it!"

"Ok, it's no breast milk, but this doesn't seem so bad."

"Who needs all this liquidy stuff when I have FIVE fingers?"

No comment. Just cute.

"Now that it's over, I am one messy baby."

I'll be posting a video in a little bit. YouTube is being typical YouTube at the moment and is telling me that the video is unavailable. As soon as it is working, I'll update with a new post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Messy baby,hah! You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until he starts to throw it back at you.
