Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hockey Test Shots

I've decided to post some of the pictures I took this past Saturday at Lucas's hockey practice in order to give an idea of the increase in quality from our point-and-shoot camera. Now keep in mind, I have not even begun to use any of the features of the camera so these are basically on auto. I should also point out that this is probably the worst arena to take pictures at since there is a netting running around the entire rink so sometimes the camera focused on that, which you'll see below. All that notwithstanding, I was very pleased with the results.

In the first photo (and several of the other ones), you can see the cross-hatched netting in the foreground.

Not sure how I avoided it here, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth. (Incidentally, Marilu had never heard that phrase until a week or two ago and had no idea what I was talking about. What are they teaching people in Labrador?)

Running into his goalie during a drill. :)

I was happy to see there was no motion blur during the action shots.

Here's a picture of the netting. Although it's not what I wanted, this extreme zoom should make for some interesting pictures down the line, when I'm trying to focus on something that close.

What impressed me about this photo is the fact that it is still detailed even though the group was on the opposite side of the ice. I could never have gotten it that clear with the iPhone or our other camera.

My favorite photo of the bunch. The fact that I now have a camera that can see the detail of his face is great. I could also zoom this one in via Photoshop (or a similar program) and it stays detailed for quite a few more levels of zoom.

Lucas has a hockey tournament this weekend so hopefully I can get plenty more good shots from that. Next update will likely be from our trip to Winterlude in downtown Ottawa this past weekend.


tracey said...

Nice. I can give you a few quick tips for hockey photos if you want.

Mom/Grammy said...

Wow! You really did get some nice shots. So happy the camera is working out.