Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Begone, Allergy!

We received some fantastic news today: Lucas is (99% sure) peanut allergy free! Ever since he got diagnosed with it, we've had appointments every 18 months to check the state of the allergy. After his last appointment, a year and a half ago, he was still showing symptoms, but they were lower than they had ever been before so we had high hopes for this visit. Apparently all those crossed fingers paid off!

To be completely sure, we need to do a follow up at the doctor's office where Lucas will eat one peanut M&M every 10 minutes for about 2 hours, and the doctor will monitor him. However, as alluded to above, he told us today that the skin test is 99% reliable so to say we're happy is an understatement. It could be a month or two before we get the follow-up done, but rest assured I'll keep you informed.

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