Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bye bye, June!

Why yes, yes I did forget to post last week. Thanks for noticing! Here are the last of the highlights for June of last year.

Lucas's school had an end of the year thingamajig with food, crafts, and other assorted activities. I volunteered as an attendant for one of the inflatable slides. Lucas and his friends had a ball with this, going on it no less than 20 times during my shift.

Lucas went through a big science phase last summer where he wanted to do "experiments." During my mom's trip up, she bought him a couple of science kits. In the picture below, he's doing an experiment which is supposed to create sugar crystals. It didn't work that well, but that might have been user error on my behalf.

Here's the card and gift Lucas gave me for Father's Day.

We had much more success with our volcano experiment than the crystal one. Here's a photo and video of our efforts.

Finally, you can thank Marilu for snapping this photo of me asleep in the living room. Classy.

Hopefully, the next entry will be newer photos. Lucas and Marilu went skating for the first time this year last week, and I got a couple of decent shots of them. Look for it by Wednesday!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Okay, we'll hold you to that...a Wed. post. Your sleeping pose was hilarious. Can't wait to see the skating pics.

Love you,