Monday, March 26, 2012

Sick Day

Today was a long day with the doctors, but it ended on a decent note. I initially brought Lucas into our family doctor at 11:30 to have her check out his fever and rash. It turns out our doctor is vacationing so we had an attractive, 20-something doctor in her place, which made the whole appointment feel a little like a Grey's Anatomy episode.

She wasn't worried about the fever since the children's Advil was keeping it under control, and she only had mild concern about the rash. However, just to be safe, she had me take him to CHEO (the children's hospital) to get some bloodwork done.

As expected when using the emergency room, the wait was the worst part of the hospital visit. Lucas and I got there at about 1:30, and then Marilu got there after work, around 3. I had to run some errands so I left at that point, but when all was said and done, they didn't get home until after 7. A very long day for all of us but particularly Lucas.

Once they actually were seen, the doctors at CHEO said that the "rash" on his neck was due to broken capillaries from when he threw up this weekend. I was particularly happy about this since it meant Lucas didn't need to get any shots. Before we went to our family doctor, I had promised Lucas that there would be no needles today, not realizing we would be at the hospital in a few short hours.

I'm not sure what happened next, but they then decided to do a chest X-ray to check for pneumonia. It turns out he does have signs of it--not a severe amount, apparently--so they gave him an antibiotic prescription, and then they came home.

As I write this at almost 10:30 PM, they have both been asleep for a couple of hours, and everything seems to be okay. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they both get plenty of rest, and I'm really hoping Lucas's fever is gone tomorrow so he can get back to work. I love the little guy, but I've been at home with him since Friday, and I'm starting to get a little stir crazy!

Speaking of crazy, here's a picture I took of Lucas while waiting in the examination room at our family doctor much earlier in the day. None of this was staged. This was all him.

I'll be sure to keep you updated with any more health news.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I keep looking back at this picture and laughing. What a comedian!