Friday, September 16, 2011

Newfoundland - Part 1 of Many

Earlier this summer, Marilu and Lucas went to Newfoundland for a couple of weeks to visit family. While there, she took a LOT of pictures. Like 200+. Unfortunately, since I wasn't there, I don't know the story behind any of them. As a result, the next few entries are just going to be a glorified photo album of that trip. I'll pick out the best ones and let you "ooh" and "ahh" over our cute son as he mixes it up with a bunch of Newfies. :) I'll comment if needed (or if I know what is going on), but for the most part, I'll just sit back and let you enjoy. So without any further adieu, here we go...

This is the first picture we have of Lucas with his only first cousin (so far), Colby. You wouldn't believe how excited he was to meet Colby. It's about all he could talk about prior to the trip.

I get a kick out of the fact that he's trying to choke the life out of his Uncle Steve.

The look on Lucas's face here is priceless. "Ok, enough pictures already." You may have to click on it to see a bigger version.

This picture of Lucas isn't that great, given that he is taunting the camera, but I included it for the background. Way off in the distance, do you see that bit of white? That's an iceberg that floated into the harbor/bay. Trust me, when you are in Newfoundland, you are NORTH.

More to come tomorrow. And for anyone who has actually read this far, I wanted to let you know that Lucas's first week of school has been good. He's been almost entirely tear free this week, other than a minor episode while going into class one day. As far as we can tell, he is really enjoying it, but whenever we ask him specifically about his day, he always comes back with, "It's secret." I guess that's the toddler's version of the teen's "Nothing happened today."

1 comment:

mom said...

Those are really good pictures of Lucas with his Newfounland family. As I enlarged the picture of Lucas with the other 2 little ones I noticed they weren't too thrilled to have their pics taken either. Good news on the school front,hooray!