Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yeah, as in October 2010. Pathetic, I know.

This one is from Marilu's birthday on Oct 24.

It's kind of a mess, but here's the birthday cake Lucas and I made for Marilu. Believe it or not, this is the first cake I can recall making in my 40 years on planet Earth. When it's from a box, it's surprisingly easy. Well, other than spreading the frosting. That was a cluster-$%^&.

This picture kills me. I think I caught Lucas between his cheese smile and a look of "I don't want to do this at all."

This is the only good picture I got of Lucas cleaning out a pumpkin. I risk death though since that's Marilu's butt to the left. She ain't gonna like me when she sees this one.

This is from what I think was our first snowfall in 2010. This was taken on Oct 31, and there was enough snow that Marilu and Lucas were able to cobble together a snowman. The rest of the Halloween pictures were posted back in early November since I was cognizant enough of my blog posting laziness to know I need to upload topical posts sooner rather than later. Hey, at least I recognize my natural slothfulness!

And that's it for October. On to November and all points beyond!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Excellent! Nice job on the cake by the way (for a 3 year old). Only kidding. I loved the addition of the candies. My good ness those Lucas pics are really cute. With those curls he looks angelic.

Love you all.