Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rough and Tumble

On Friday morning, Lucas and I went over to the park/playground near our place for our neighbor's birthday party (his 2-year-old buddy Tyler). As per usual, Lucas decided he would wander away from the playground. Typically, this means running over to one of the soccer fields, but on Friday, he decided to run off into the woods. I chased him down, and once I caught him, I told him not to do it again. Sure enough, 20 minutes later, there he is, running back into the woods. This time, he tried to run from me when he saw me coming and ended up doing a faceplant into a rock.

It looked a lot worse than it ended up being. Based on the shrieking, I was expecting him to turn over and see blood all over the place, either from a broken nose or maybe from missing teeth. As it turned out, he just banged his forehead and cheek. He was wailing about it for a while, but 5 minutes later, he was running around with the other kids, having fun.

Of course, dad of the year candidate that I am, I decided to take a couple of pictures that night, to show off our little prizefighter. Just another step in the long road to building character, right? Note that the red on his lip is ketchup, not blood.

On a completely unrelated note, I took the exam for the second course of my real estate license on Saturday, and unless I filled out the Scantron incorrectly, I should be moving on to Course 3. As a result, I am done with the hardcore studying--for at least a week--and will do my very best to put up new pictures every day this week. I have no excuses this time. :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Aw! Poor little guy. Nasty bump, but nothing that won't heal.

Good luck with course 3!