Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The end of the vacations

We got back from our week-long Massachusetts vacation on Friday night. I think it is safe to say we all had a fantastic time. I got to see old high school friends that I haven't seen in nearly 20 years, Lucas had a blast in the lake almost every day, and Marilu shopped. Marilu probably had fun for other reasons, but that's all that comes to mind at the moment.

As always, I'm ridiculously behind on pictures so the Massachusetts ones will have to wait. Not counting the Labrador City series, the most recent photos are from mid-June. So bear with me as I try and catch up over the next few days. I'll probably post a bunch from this most recent trip this weekend, but there are well over a hundred so that will be an adventure unto itself.

The first one comes from June 17, a day after his 2nd birthday. I'm not really sure where he got the bruise on his forehead, but nowadays, those types of things are much more common as he continues to find things he can run into, fall off of, et cetera.

The next day, the two of us spend some time together coloring dinosaurs at his table. I take my time, coloring in the lines, while Lucas attempts to see how many different lines of various colors he can make on a single picture.

Later on, he tries to figure out how to use a screwdriver on the new turtle he'd just received from his godfather. It's funny how observant little kids are. He watched me use the screwdriver to open the battery panel and then immediately tried to replicate what I did. Granted, he doesn't get the whole turning thing yet, but it surprised me how well he has retained that knowledge.

Lucas and his turtle. Note his impression of a bulimic.

I leave you with this picture. Tomorrow (which will likely be later today for most of you), I'll be posting 2 videos that will expand on what you see here.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Ah, you neglected to show your viewers how both father and son ended up using their markers on themselves rather than on their coloring pages. Hmm, who started that?