Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas morning...sort of

As I mentioned in a previous post, we celebrated Christmas early since it was easier than lugging all of our wrapped presents all the way down to Florida only to bring the unwrapped items back again. So Dec 22 found us in the living room, next to the tree, opening presents. Although it was Lucas's second Christmas, he wasn't really all that aware of what was going on last year since he was only about 6 months old. This year, he was very aware and he had a blast. It's amazing how much joy one can get from tearing open a present without even caring about the actual gift inside. Of course, we let him help open ours as well since he was having such a good time.

I've included several pictures from the morning below. Re-experience Christmas all over again!

The aftermath.

I had to include this last one since it amused me. Our tree started out normal looking, with ornaments evenly distributed over it. However, after a few days of Lucas attacking the lower ones with wild abandon--after a while, saying "no" apparently was just a suggestion--we had to rearrange their locations. So now we have a top heavy tree, which I suspect is not a rare occurrence in most houses with young ones.

For a little bit of nostalgia, here's a couple of links to last year's entries: photos and videos.


Anonymous said...

Just checked last year's pictures. It's hard to believe, but it just keeps getting better. Enjoy these early holiday times in Lucas' life. They are the best!
Love you all!

JP said...

We recognize that tree. It looks just like ours. Actually your's looks much better than our tree this year. We bought a little cheap tree that after being knocked over so many times finally broke. We had to lean it against the wall.