The next day, we got to my dad's and discovered just how kid-unfriendly his house is. I present Exhibit A, the glass liquor bottles on the open shelf near the floor. Lucas took a quick interest in that (I can't quite remember the story about the ribbons).
The next day was Christmas and that means presents! Here we see Lucas and my dad about to open one. My dad is sporting the spiffy Labrador hat we got him for father's day this past year.
Lucas isn't terribly impressed with the Xbox 360 my brother Jared got for Christmas. I'm sure that attitude will change in the years to come, if he's anything like every other boy on the planet.
For the time being though, there is obviously nothing better than getting a chance to play in a box filled with packing material. Oh, to return to those days.
Here he concentrates on opening another gift. It should come as no surprise that he was MUCH more interested in the opening part of the gifting process than the actual gift.
This is one of those "aww" photos. Lucas is hugging a bear he got for Christmas.
One of Lucas's more recent eccentricities is to open up the front of his sleepers. On Christmas morning, he also got his feet out, showing the world the following fashion statement. Man, I'm going to have so much ammo for when he gets married.
My dad has this little beagle figurine that Lucas absolutely adored. He would hold it and pet it, and sometimes, he even tried giving it water as you see below. As cute as it is, I don't think we're getting a dog anytime soon. One kid is more than enough work, thank you very much.
Later that day, Lucas discovered he could make faces on the side of his port-a-crib (not sure if there's a technical term for it) by pressing his face against it. I responded in kind and we had a good few minutes of laughter over that.
I know I've mentioned our child likes to climb a little too much for his own good so this climbing job was an amateur job, compared to some of the situations he's gotten himself into.
I should have the second half of the trip up sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. Hope you're enjoying!
Thanks for the posts. Table dancing, half naked and sucking on a bottle of Jack Daniels. What Frat isn't going to love that kid?
Cute cuddles with mom!
It's the pyjamas that make me laugh out loud. Too funny.
That cuddly picture is pretty precious too.
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