Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Coconuts Year End Party

It seems forever ago, especially since Lucas has played a whole season of lacrosse since then, but Lucas's end of the year party for hockey was just about 3 months ago. I didn't take many pictures since it was more of a relaxing time, but here's what I did get.

First off, the trophies! In addition to the cup they received for being the champions of House A, each of the kids got their own trophy. If you look closely, you can also see their mascot on the left.

What I'm sure was the highlight of the party for the boys was the Games To Go truck, which was basically a mobile arcade. The boys had a blast playing each other in virtual hockey, as well as several other games.

I have two pictures of the team photo since Lucas is smiling in the first one but a little boisterous in the second one. You can also see the new Coconuts hoodies that they are all sporting.

Finally, probably my favorite part of these parties is when the coach hands out the trophies and says a little something about how each kid did that season. Here's Lucas's video.

Unless something goes wrong in the next couple of minutes as I set this up, there should be one more post on the 21st, and then I'll be back posting live, See you then!

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