Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hockey Party!

If you're wondering about the delay between this and the last post, for once I have a good excuse. Believe it or not, this is post #999 on this blog. I still haven't figured out what I want to do for the 1,000th post so I've been putting off this one since it just brings me one post closer to the inevitable. However, Lucas's hockey team had their end of the year party today, and I wanted to make sure I got his coach's speech about him uploaded in a timely manner. Here it is...

I knew he did a great job on defense this year, but it was nice to hear the coach give him one of the top 2 defensemen awards.

So for post #1000, I'm leaning towards filling it with my favorite pictures from over the years. It might take some time to root through them all, but if so, I should have it up by next weekend. Any other ideas?

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Finally got to seeing this video. It's fantastic. So proud of Lucas!