Thursday, September 8, 2016

First Day of School: Fourth Grade

Egad, it's been a while since my last post. July 24, to be exact. My apologies. I guess the blog took a summer vacation of its own.

Now that we're all back to a normal schedule, I'll start playing catch up. To start things off, here's a couple of pictures of Lucas from his first day of 4th grade, which started yesterday. Several of his really good friends are in his classes so that made going back a lot easier. He actually wants to be there!

The annual "on the front porch" photo.

And just to mix things up, waiting at the bus stop.

For last year's "first day of school" pic, click here. And for all the previous years, click here.Next up, I'll likely finish out the California vacation pictures and then I'll make it up from there.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

I love Lucas's style sense. No fear of being noticed. What a guy. Wishing him a great year!