Monday, June 20, 2016

Lucas's 9th Birthday Party

This past Saturday, Lucas had his 9th birthday party at the recreation center located about 5 minutes from our house. There's something to be said for parties that are close and easy to get to. All but one of the invitees go to his school so it was convenient for them as well. We're just all-around great hosts!

Anyway, it was a sports party so the kids got to play for an hour in the gym, before retiring to a party room for snacks and cake. Lucas's first choice of activity was dodgeball.

This one is a little blurry, but I thought it was funny to see him bean his buddy Carson.

They followed that up with a rousing game of soccer.

Finally, they wrapped things up with floor hockey. The birthday boy pouted a bit at the team selection until the helpers relented and let him play on Carson's team. It should be noted that Carson played in a higher division of hockey than any of the other kids last season so Lucas wanted that advantage. And it definitely showed...until me and one of the helpers joined the opposing team to even things out.

I like how the Red team looks like they are marching in this one.

Reveling in a goal, apparently.

After that, the kids headed to the break room where they lined up for snacks.

The birthday boy approves.

Happy Birthday!

A picture of Marilu's cake. She could explain it better, but it was essentially ice cream sandwiches under a layer of chocolate pudding/frosting, covered in Oreo crumbs, Quite tasty, I can say from experience.

Let the feasting begin!

After the cake, we had the kids do a few challenges where they could win prizes. The first was a darts competition (won by Kyle), then a hockey shooting contest (not surprisingly won by Carson), and finally musical chairs (tie between Carson and Deavon). The kids REALLY enjoyed this part of the party, which made us think that next year's party will be nothing but challenges. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of this portion of the party since I had to help out with the various events.

Last but not least, I had the kids pose for a picture, which has become something of a tradition over the last 3 years. One normal photo followed by goofiness.

And that's all, folks! Hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

That looked like one "fun" party. I really liked the group picture. Great smiles on all of the boys.