Friday, May 29, 2015

In Memoriam

It's hard to believe it's been so long, but yesterday, May 28, was the 3rd anniversary of Rory's birth, death, and our short time with her. Marilu and I had talked about the date earlier in the week, but I'm ashamed to admit that I completely forgot what the date was until receiving a text message from a friend, saying that she was thinking about us. As I said to her at the time, I'm not certain if that's good or bad.

Whatever the case, we didn't dwell on the anniversary, and we decided not to mention it to Lucas. Why make ourselves miserable? We're obviously never going to forget Rory, but there are better ways to keep her in our hearts than crying once a year. For instance, Lucas still gets sad before bed from time to time, thinking about Rory (who he still thinks was a brother...we may tell him the truth next year). He also keeps a little angel that someone gave us (I'm sure Marilu will tell me who after she reads this), and he uses that to "talk" to Rory.

Life would probably be a lot different today if we had two rugrats running around, but I'm thankful that we at least have the one. Lucas may be a pain in the ass from time to time--a wonderful blend of genetics and karma, right there--but he's a great kid overall, and I'm so happy we have him in our life.


Mom/Grammy said...

I can't help but be sad for all of us but especially for you, Marilu and Lucas. I know heaven is a foreign concept to you but I truly believe in an afterlife and there I plan to meet my perfect granddaughter Rory one day. In the meantime, like you, we are thankful for Lucas. He's our pride and joy always.

Love you all..

Tracey said...


I think about Rory from time to time too. And hug you all with my mind every time.