Tuesday, October 28, 2014

All I Want for Christmas Are My Two Front Teeth

...and maybe one on the bottom as well.

In my last post, I mentioned Lucas lost one of his bottom teeth last week. It was his first baby tooth to come out in several months. Apparently, that started a domino effect as one of his top front teeth came out yesterday, followed by the second one today. Here's a picture of our little hockey player/MMA fighter lookalike.

As far as I know, none of the other ones are loose, but given the fact that 3 have come out in two weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if the tooth fairy will be visiting our house again soon.


Tracey said...

Must be a thing. Thierry lost the same bottom tooth (other side) just before Lucas did and now the top middle ones are loose.

Mom/Grammy said...

Tooth fairy has been busy visiting the Deal household! I tried to post a comment last night but can't do so from my phone. Too cute! Gonna be fun trying to eat for awhile.