Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lucas's 7th Birthday Party

As mentioned in the previous post, Lucas's 7th birthday party was held this past Saturday. There's really not much to add to that so let's get to the action shots. The kids spent the first hour playing soccer on the indoor field. Initially, they wanted to play the full length of the field, but after about 20 minutes they realized that was a bad idea and just played the width.

There's always time to goof off a bit.

After soccer was pizza eating time. The place we went, the OzDome, made their own pizza, and it was surprisingly good.

I have no idea what prompted this face, but it makes me laugh.

Next up: cake!

My favorite part about this is that when he was making a wish, he said out loud, "I wish there was no more French." In reference to the language. He's definitely my son.

Can't have a party without presents!

There was a foosball table at the place that completely enthralled the kids. I don't think many of them had seen one before. As you can see, it was a hit.

Quick sidenote. The woman standing next to Marilu was the mother of one of Lucas's good friends, Anthony. She's from Ghana so we talked about the upcoming World Cup game between Ghana and the U.S. Now that the game has been played, I just want to say, "USA! USA! USA!" :)

And finally, we close with a couple of pictures that don't fit anywhere else above. First, Lucas and Thierry no doubt having an important discussion about Pokemon cards.

The Family Deal.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Amazing pictures. Thanks and kuddos to Tracy! Of course, the funniest part of the whole posting is the wish, which by the way, looks like a prayer...too funny! Loved all the pictures. It's so great that you keep this blogspot up for those of us that want to be a part of everything but are just too far away. Keep up the good work and know that your efforts are appreciated. Love, Mom