Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ottawa Comiccon 2013

(Before I kick this entry off, I wanted to mention that the last photo in this blog contains the F word. I'm not sure if anyone who reads this blog is that easily offended, but consider yourself warned!)

On Friday, Lucas and I attended the Ottawa Comiccon for the second straight year. If you're feeling nostalgic, you can find the blog entry for last year's visit here. I hadn't planned on going, but earlier this week, I realized Friday tickets were fairly inexpensive, and Lucas's would only be $5 so I said what the hell and ordered a couple.

The event itself was very similar to last year, but because we went on a Friday, as opposed to a Saturday in 2012, it was not nearly as crowded. Unfortunately, another thing that was similar to last year is that Lucas didn't want to pose for the camera much. It's a shame since there was some amazing costumes, but alas, that's the way it goes. Nonetheless, I did manage to get a few good pictures of him so that's what you'll see here.

Just to give you an idea of how popular these conventions are, check out the line we were in. Although its length puts a Disney line to shame, it moved a heck of a lot faster. I'd estimate it took us about 20 minutes to reach the entrance, which wasn't too bad. It also helped that it was cool this afternoon, as opposed to the brutal heat last year.

Believe it or not, Lucas was great in line. He was very patient and didn't complain at all. It probably didn't hurt that there were lots of people in costumes around so that kept him entertained. You'll notice he dressed as Boba Fett for the occasion. That lasted about an hour before it got too hot for him. As close as I got to a costume was wearing an Avengers t-shirt.

Here's the one picture Lucas allowed me to take of him with another person. Quality over quantity is definitely in effect as this picture is just too darn cute. Big Boba Fett and mini Boba. It was taken just after we entered the main hall. Boba Fett was taking a picture with someone else, and as soon as he saw Lucas in costume, he came over and gave him a high five. You can't see it under the mask, but Lucas was grinning ear to ear. (Coincidentally, while looking at last year's blog post, I noticed I took almost the exact same picture...though with a different Boba Fett and a non-costumed Lucas.)

At these conventions, there are a lot of different vendors, selling everything from comics to action figures to clothing to real swords. Surprisingly, a vendor that caught Lucas's eye was one that sold costume accessories. In particular, he liked the spiked bracelets. He originally wanted one with metal spikes, but I "convinced" him that maybe the rubber ones would be a better idea. Here, he shows off his new purchase. It really complements the Boba Fett outfit, right?

For those of you familiar with the British sci-fi show Doctor Who, there were several Daleks in attendance at the Con. They were fully functional and could move and talk. I believe they were actually manned from the inside. The reason I mention this is that shortly after the picture below was taken--a showdown between Boba Fett and a Dalek--the Dalek noticed Lucas and chased him around for at least a minute. He was running all over the place, trying to escape, but it just kept coming. He finally bolted off into another room, shrieking happily all the way. No photo or video of that, unfortunately, but I'm sure you can picture it.

There was a board game area at Comiccon that allowed you to check out and play games. Not only did it give us a break from walking around, but I got to try out two games with Lucas to see if he was old enough to play them. That's a lot better than blindly spending $30-40 and hoping he takes to it! In this photo, we were playing Get Bit, a card game that uses a plastic shark and robot swimmers to keep score. Lucas liked playing with the robots, but he still has a year or two to go before understanding the game.

Here are some of the sights from Comiccon: a massive Dalek, Luke's landspeeder from Star Wars, and the one and only Batmobile!

Finally, here's the picture I warned you about at the beginning. Now, to understand its meaning, you have to realize that many diehard fans of the original Star Wars trilogy hate the newer movies and blame George Lucas for everything that is wrong with them. This guy was just letting the world know what he thought of George Lucas via his t-shirt. I thought it was absolutely hilarious--obviously for a completely different reason--and asked the guy if I could take a picture. As much as I would love to get this shirt as a joke, Marilu did point out that there is almost nowhere I could wear it. Plus, Lucas recognizes his name on it, and the last thing I need is for him to concentrate his reading on understanding what the first word means! :)

So that was this year's Comiccon. We had a great time and are already looking forward to next year. Maybe I'll convince Marilu to come next time, and we can get a lot more pictures.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thanks for the timely sharing. Looks like a lot of fun. It was especially cool seeing Lucas in costume. Made the characters take note of him it would seem. Yeah, the shirt would definitely be a problem! Loved the game area...good stuff. Made me think of "Big Bang."