Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Last night, before we went to bed, Marilu and I placed a bunch of eggs around the house so when Lucas woke up this morning, he'd have something to look for. We weren't sure how much he'd be into it, or if he'd even notice, but it ended up turning out pretty well. Once he realized that the eggs contained something (Smarties, peanut free!), he was on the lookout for them. Here are some pictures from the hunt.

Eventually he wandered into his play area and found this waiting for him on his table.

Elmo lover that he is, he then proceeded to read the Elmo-themed Easter book that Marilu bought him.

This last picture has nothing to do with the events of the morning, but it happened today so I figured I'd include it. While Marilu and her mother were at church, I was in charge of watching the little man. I can't remember why, but I had to leave the room momentarily, maybe to use the bathroom. I was gone for maybe a minute and when I came back, Lucas had migrated to the kitchen and this was the scene.

For those of you without kids, as you can see, they can definitely be a handful. :)

I took a bunch of short videos during the Easter activities this morning, and if they look good (I haven't watched them yet), I'll include them in a follow-up entry to this post. That should be up sometime later tonight if they are decent.

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