Saturday, July 21, 2018

Random Spring Photos

This will be quick as I'm writing this moments after the last post, and it's 11:50 PM on Friday night. We'll be up bright and early to drive to Massachusetts, and even though Marilu is driving (keeps her from getting carsick), I'd rather not be completely exhausted.

So I'm just going to post some random photos from the last few months, and if needed, I'll caption them. Sound good? Ok, let's go!

Back in the spring, Marilu had a reunion of her page program (she was a page in Parliament many moons ago), and we got a chance to sit in their main room. House of Commons? I'm sure some Canadian can correct me if I'm wrong. Whatever it's called, it was a very unique experience.

On Mother's Day, we went to Ottawa Comic Con. Believe it or not, it was Marilu's requested present. She was hoping to see one of her favorite actors, Jason Momoa, but as luck would have it, we didn't find out until we got there that he was only scheduled to be there on Saturday. Oh well, it was fun anyway. Below, a photo of them (with Zach) prior to watching a real sword fight.

It didn't take Lucas long to find a computer that he could play Fortnite on. Ever since, he has preferred playing on our laptop to the PS4.

Before school, showing off his new Nepean Knights lacrosse hat that he got for being player of the game. It was his first of two this season!

Beatrix just letting it all hang out.

And finally, making faces at the monster truck rally with his friend Parker.

Marilu and I should be back in Ottawa on Sunday, at which point I may have some photos from the vacation to post. (after I stop crying about having to go back to work) Lucas will be staying there for a couple more weeks, and then we'll go down and get him on the long weekend in August.

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Nice job posting pre vacation.